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5 Things You Need to Know About Dentures

Adults have a total of 32 teeth in their mouths. Keeping them at 32 throughout the years can be a challenge for some as old age, dental disease or accidents can cause teeth to fall out. 

Dentures have always been a popular and inexpensive option in cosmetic dentistry, giving you back your smile and your confidence! At the office of Central Avenue Dental, our skilled professionals will custom-craft and install partial or full dentures to restore the look, feel, and function of your teeth.

To make the most of your dentures, we offer you these important points for you to keep in mind:

  1. Dentures require maintenance: Brush your dentures at least twice a day or after each meal using specially-designed toothbrushes that are just for dentures. . 
  2. Take them out when you’re not using them: Leaving dentures in the mouth for prolonged periods can cause bad breath and receding gums. That’s why you should remove your dentures to gently clean your gums and tongue using a brush with soft bristles. 
  3. Can cause temporary discomfort: It is natural to feel some discomfort when you start using dentures but it’s usually temporary, as your mouth gets fully accustomed to them with time.
  4. Practice makes perfect: You might need to try eating in different ways to learn which method works best for you. Usually, chewing with molars and pre-molars is most suitable. 
  5. Leave repairs it to the pros: Do not try to repair, reline, or adjust your dentures at home, as this might make things worse. Take them to your dentist who can make the necessary adjustments.

If you are considering dentures to reestablish a complete smile, Central Avenue Dental will work with you to develop a treatment plan that suits your needs, comfort level, and budget. Don’t’ wait any longer to improve your smile when help is only a phone call away. New patients are always welcome in our state-of-the-art facility -- your resource for the best that modern dentistry has to offer. For more information, give us a call today. 

By Central Avenue Dental - Tribeca

March 24, 2021

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