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Cavities Need to be Treated ASAP

Most people have the privilege of being able to drink and eat whatever they want and whenever they want. It’s a luxury we take for granted until a problem—such as a cavity—comes along. Cavities are areas that are permanently damaged that turn into tiny holes. Developing a cavity, also called tooth decay, isn’t unusual, and many individuals assume that it’s no big deal. But that’s a dangerous assumption. Left untreated by a dental professional, a cavity can turn into the reason behind a toothache, an infection or the loss of a tooth. 

Tooth decay is the most widespread oral health problem in the United States. Without treatment, it can result in serious consequences to your dental health. That’s why steady preventive visits to the offices of Central Avenue Dental will help keep your smile healthy and beautiful. And should you develop a cavity, we will treat it swiftly and efficiently.

Plaque is the main culprit behind the materialization of cavities. This sticky film constantly forms and gathers in your mouth. The bacteria in plaque use acids to digest the sugar in the foods you eat. In turn, those acids wear away tooth enamel and are the harbingers of cavities. That’s why it’s important to brush and floss at least twice a day, limit your intake of sweets and visit our office for professional teeth cleanings.

When we clean your teeth, we remove any plaque buildup you may have missed with your dental floss and toothbrush. Though cavities can pop up at any age, children are especially susceptible. We make our youngest patients’ visits informative and engaging, and provide extra protection against cavities with dental sealants and fluoride treatments. 

During preventive checkups for our patients of all ages, we meticulously inspect the teeth for the earliest signs of decay. With early detection, we can deliver the most precise, gentle and straightforward course of care.

At Central Avenue Dental, our goal is to help you and your family enjoy a lifetime of excellent oral health. We provide personalized, comprehensive preventive care to keep your smile healthy from the start. To learn more or to schedule a checkup, please contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

By Central Avenue Dental - Tribeca

June 21, 2021

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