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Oral Health and Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

Having a baby. It’s one of the most exciting events in a woman’s life. But during the course of her nine-month journey, not only is her body going through many changes, her oral health may be as well. 

At the office of Central Avenue Dental, maintaining good oral health is our top priority, at all stages of a patient’s life. During your pregnancy, our skilled and compassionate team wants you to be aware of some of the special considerations that need to be taken at our office and in your routine care to ensure your teeth and gums remain in the best possible shape. 

At the office of Central Avenue Dental, we enjoy getting to know each patient and providing you and your family with the personalized service you deserve. We expertly handle all aspects of family dentistry under one roof. 

For more information or to schedule an appointment, give us a call today.

By Central Avenue Dental - Tribeca

December 28, 2020

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