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What Does Your Smile Say About You?

Does your smile reflect how you feel inside? With porcelain veneers, the office of Central Avenue Dental can transform the appearance of your front teeth to accentuate your appearance and give you the boost of confidence to thrive both socially and professionally. If you have aesthetic goals for yourself, we can help you achieve them – starting with the radiant, harmonious and dazzling set of pearly whites you’ve always wanted! 

It’s no secret that your smile is often the first thing that’s noticed when you meet someone. With veneers, we can help ensure that you make just the right first impression. Whether you have major discoloration to your front teeth, minor chips, spacing, or misshapen teeth, our porcelain veneers can be customized to address all these issues and achieve outstanding results.

Designed as wafer-thin facings that are bonded atop the lightly treated surfaces of your front teeth, veneers are artfully sculpted to the shade, shape and proportions of your teeth to achieve optimal appearance and function. Fabricated from the highest grade of dental porcelain, veneers are stain resistant and reflect light in much the same way as natural tooth enamel for stunning results. Once bonded to the underlying tooth structure, veneers also become strong and durable. And, with proper care, they can last for many years.

The skilled professionals at the office of Central Avenue Dental are diligent and attentive, and they value your input first and foremost. Over the years, we’ve helped countless patients achieve the most outstanding cosmetic results, and we welcome the opportunity to do the same for you. We’ll carefully assess your goals and determine the most appropriate way to proceed.

Committed to oral health 

At the office of Central Avenue Dental, we offer a comprehensive range of cosmetic services and are here to provide you with a level of personalized support and quality results that will give you good reason to smile. To learn more about our practice and our services, give us a call today.

By Central Avenue Dental - Tribeca

December 9, 2019

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